Tuesday 26 October 2010

Engage - Empowerment (1993)

Redemption Records RED012-1 / Red Vinyl / US

1: Hard
2: Division
3: Inward
4: Final Paradox
5: Fingers of Fear
6: Success
7: Defence
8: Song Zero

First heard these on Lookout's legendary 'Can of Pork' compilation LP and really got into their epic tune 'Evolution'. When I saw they'd released an album a year later I snapped it up straight away. This LP is so underrated it's not even funny. You look on the net to try and find any info and it's impossible, seriously - no reviews, no pics, no nothing - it's almost as though it didn't exist! Ok, so this elusive band release 8 solid tracks clocking in at a little over 40 mins - the longest track being 8 minutes long! But that's what they do and they do it extremely well. It's an eclectic mix of gruff vocals and soaring sugar-coated backing harmonies which musically is sometimes slow, sometimes fast, has intricate guitar riffage, and even has some ska thrown in for good measure (Final Paradox). The album finishes with 'Song Zero' - an oh so nice instrumental totally different from all the previous tracks and makes you feel all sentimental and gooey inside. Empowerment is original, it's epic, it's mega political, it's thought provoking, it's awesome, it's here to download for you to judge yourself! Why this band didn't receive credit they deserved I'll never know! Oh yeah, great cover and was released on a nice slab of red wax...

Dave Heroes Says: A great album you've never heard...until now...

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?5t2via1h553ox39


  1. Hey, great that you uploaded this. Like you, I tracked it down on vinyl many years ago after discovering their track on the Can Of Pork compilation (which is one of my favourite ever comps). I've been looking for the mp3s for ages, so great to finally have this on my ipod.

    I also have two 7"s by this band. One on Kirbdog Records, the other on Re-evolution Records. You got those?

  2. Thank you for posting this, I sang and wrote lyrics for Engage, and this brought back some great memories.

  3. Any chance of a re-up of this, great blog.
