Friday 5 November 2010

Four Letter Word - Words That Burn EP (1995)


1: Rich White Ghetto
2: Call Off The Dogs
3: Fundamentally Flawed
4: Shelf Life

This is a right treat. Welly, from Artcore fanzine fame, fronts this melodic hardcore punk rock band from Wales. Blazing hooks, great manly yet melodic vocals, and enough power to make you feel like He-Man. Or Something. Some real punk rock, drawing influences from the old UK greats like SLF, and mixing it up with some good ol'USA hardcore punk, and adding a twist of crunchy pop punk. Politically charged lyrics, with a personal touch to them, and choruses you'll be singing along to in no time at all. Just fucking great, it really is...

Dave Heroes Says: One of the UKs most under-rated punk rock bands.


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